Hey mama, I’m Kim

the naturopath at Hey Mama Naturopathy.

How are you? No really, how are you?
Hey Mama Naturopathy is a safe space for new mamas, soon to be mamas, hoping to be mamas and seasoned mamas to gain the support they need with their health. 

I am here for your preconception, pregnancy and postnatal support. 

Kim xx

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Hey mama, I’m here for you...



As soon as you make the decision to have a baby, you are a mama. The mind shifts from me to us, from what’s best for me to what’s best for my baby. You think about what you should or shouldn’t be putting into or onto your body. How long should you practise preconception for? So.. many.. questions. This is where Hey Mama Naturopathy comes in, we will help guide you through your questions and help get your body ready for a baby. 


Pregnancy is beautiful, amazing, scary and demanding. There is so much conflicting information out there on the dos and don’ts of pregnancy. Hey Mama Naturopathy has got you. We will help guide you through pregnancy, any pregnancy symptoms you have and prepare the body for birth. We will educate and empower you so you are confident in your choices. 


Post birth we seem to have an obsession with β€˜bouncing back’. Being the woman to get back to work and normal life, just with a plus one. This time is essential for physical and mental recovery. What we do during the first few months after birth can shape how well our body will work for the new few years. Hey Mama Naturopathy will be your support through this time and help make the transition into matresence an easy one. 

On the blog:

Sharing personal stories and educational pieces for your own motherhood journey. Sit down with a cuppa and enjoy!